Author: Gabriele Proni

Become a Better Remote Leader

RACI and DACI for clear and compelling results

RACI vs DACI: how are they different? In a remote team, it is often difficult to visualize who should do what. You don't know them all personally, but you need...

Definition of Done

This Saturday, I want to talk about the Definition of Done. Are we there yet? That's a difficult question to answer when no one agrees on where exactly "there" is....

11 Untold Must-Have Remote Work Tools

This Saturday, I want to reveal the 11 Untold Must-Have Remote Work Tools. Last week I joined the 3rd episode of Behind the Startup, a new podcast from Tyler Label....

Turn Remote Slackers into your most productive mates

This Saturday, I want to share how to turn Remote Slackers into your most productive mates. Is being a slacker always such a bad thing? I like lazy people. They...

Remote work is a paradise for slackers

Remote work is a paradise for slackers, if you are a Dumb Remote manager.   The worst phase of the pandemic has long been behind us. We've finally got back...