Category: Uncategorized

Become a Better Remote Leader

Enjoy holidays thanks to procedures

This Saturday, I'll share tips on writing effective procedures. Including a step-by-step guide to the writing process. Yesterday, we had our annual Christmas call at Voxloud. It was an excellent...

Remote Town Hall Meeting

Remote Town Hall Meeting allow management to meet and connect with their employees. A member of upper management usually hosts them. All employees attend them. This type of meeting is...

Run performance reviews in a remote team

This Saturday, I want to talk about how to run performance reviews in a remote team. It's that time of year again: performance review season! A performance review is a...

How to use Fibonacci to estimate tasks

Today I want to talk about how to use Fibonacci - instead of time - to estimate tasks. We know what, how, and when we can consider a task as...

Keep up your motivation while working remotely

Keeping up your motivation while working remotely can be challenging, especially if you feel lonely or isolated. Did you know that the average remote worker spends 56% of their time...