Category: Uncategorized

Become a Better Remote Leader

Remote Work Routine That Works

Today, I want to share a remote work routine that works. This Thursday, I held a workshop about how Voxloud works remotely. My audience was Italian entrepreneurs (students of the Imprendilife Millionaire...

10 false myths about remote work

This Saturday, I'll talk about the 10 false myths about remote work. You don't need to go remote because "everybody does." Not every role can produce the best ROI remotely,...

The Remote Facilitator

This Saturday, I'll talk about the role of the Remote Facilitator. It's a compelling role that makes the Remote-First culture a breeze to adopt. Are you planning to become Remote-First?...

Remotize The Boiler Room Effect

As a remote manager, if you had to choose the most challenging outcome easy to get by working in an office... what would it be? I have no doubts: Remotize...

The Proximity Bias

The human brain has a quirk: Favor people and ideas which are familiar over those which are unfamiliar.   It can lead to remote workers or anyone not working standard...