Category: Uncategorized

Become a Better Remote Leader

Breaking the Taboo 💥 Why Side Projects Can Supercharge Your Remote Team

Today, I want to discuss a topic often considered taboo in the European business world: supporting employee side projects. Yes, you read that right. I firmly believe that supporting your remote team...

Layoffs Looming? Stay Motivated with Small Goals

This Saturday, I want to talk about the power of small goals against Layoffs rumours. As a remote team leader, you understand the importance of building trust and keeping your...

4 Laws to Crush Ineffective Company Policies

As a manager or business owner, you've likely encountered the frustration of creating company policies that your team ignores. Maybe you've put a lot of time and effort into crafting...

The Four Day Work Week Is Useless

This Saturday, I want to share my opinion about the Four Day Work Week. Last weekend, I ran my first half marathon in Barcelona. It was an unbelievable result for...

Leading by Example: How Your Actions Impact Your Remote Team

Leading by example is critical to effective leadership in the virtual world. When you model the behavior and qualities you want to see in your team, you inspire them to...